Student Conflict Reporting Form
Any person can report an incident he/she believes to be bullying, intimidating, or harassing behavior to any school employee, which includes, but is not limited to building administrator, teacher, staff, social worker, nurse, coach, or any other person that has regular contact with students of Griswold as an employee of Griswold Public Schools. Furthermore, that person may report the incident by completing the Conflict Reporting Form and turning it into the building Principal, the Associate Principal (School Climate Specialist), or the Social Emotional Interventionist. S/he can also complete the form and turn it into a school counselor, teacher, or staff member who can, in turn, turn it into one of the building administrators or the Social Emotional Interventionist that are responsible for following up on the report.
Any school employee that witnesses or receives a report of possible bullying or harassment must report the behavior to building administration orally within one school day and file a written report within two school days after making the oral report.