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Courses and Pathways

Griswold High School School Counselors assist students with course and career pathway selections in preparation to meet graduation requirements and align with their interests.

Each year, students should review their progress towards graduation requirements with their school counselor, and make adjustments as needed based on post-secondary goals. Schedules are made in Infinite Campus. 

View all courses and career pathways offered by Griswold High School below:

Course Catalog

Visit the new digital GHS Course Catalog here.


Career Pathways

Every student at Griswold High School is strongly encouraged to choose a career pathway. Subsequent courses in a pathway allow for students to get a better understanding of and exposure to an industry or career prior to high school graduation. 

Students may change their pathway, but may not have the opportunity to complete advanced courses in that field prior to graduation due to prerequisites. 


Electives & Courses within Career Pathways

In addition to courses within each career pathway, there are also Humanities and STEM electives within art, music, technology, and family & consumer sciences. Students may take any elective of interest to them, even outside of their chosen pathway, if they meet prerequisites and it fits their schedule.

Virtual High School classes on an array of topics are available in the Learning Commons (library) for self-motivated students, as well.

There are several courses at GHS where students can earn professional certifications. These include Advanced Manufacturing and Certified Nursing Assistant courses. Learn more about these programs here.


Earn College Credits during High School

During High School, students can also receive college credit through AP courses (exam requirement), College Career Pathways (CCP) with Connecticut State Community College (Three Rivers Community College or Quinebaug Valley Community College), as well as Early College Experience Program (ECE/EC) courses in select subjects via the University of Connecticut or Southern Connecticut State University. AP exams and ECE/EC courses have small costs associated with them that are much less expensive than a college course. 


Additional Resources are available on the GHS School Counseling Google Site.